Blood Drive In Memory of Paul Egan
Saturday, September 16th
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Paul Egan, also known as “The Bike Guy”, was an active volunteer in the town of Clinton. As a partner with Families Helping Families, Paul fixed up and donated over 1,700 bicycles to families in the community. Paul was diagnosed with high risk MDS, a rare blood cancer, on June 7, 2021. He received chemotherapy, many life-saving blood products, and a successful bone marrow donation on January 21, 2022. On May 5, 2023, Paul passed away leaving a legacy of kindness and compassion that touched the hearts of all that knew him.
Every blood product donation improves the quality of the blood bank, and helps patients in their healing journey, so please join us in supporting the guy who was always there for everyone by donating blood in his honor on September 16, 2023. He was year’s recipient of “the signature bike” as a survivor in the Opening Ceremonies of the 2023 Closer to Free Ride. His beloved wife Liz and team members that rode with him in 2022 will ride again this year ― Paul’s spirit will be with them!