Church Committees
The Diaconate Board is charged with spiritual administration. The board’s duties include serving Holy Communion, assisting the pastor in promoting the spiritual interests of the church, outreach to church members and friends and the community, welcoming new members, and providing greeters and ushers for all worship services.
The Mission Committee seeks to identify and inform the church of the needs of people locally, nationally and globally, and to determine ways the church can effectively respond to those needs.
The Faith and Fellowship Formation Committee is responsible for developing and implementing all Christian education programs. The committee has charge of the supervision and direction of the Church School and Youth Group. The committee oversees the church library and provides for infant care during the worship services.
The Finance Committee oversees the financial operation of the church and prepares an annual budget.
The Endowment Committee invests and manages the church’s assets that are designated as the Endowment Fund.
The Music Committee assists with the selection of the church’s Director of Music and, with the director, oversees the music program, recruiting choir members and directing maintenance of the church’s musical instruments, equipment and music library.
The Building and Grounds Committee is responsible for managing the care of grounds and facilities, for identifying and addressing maintenance needs, and recommending sexton(s) for consideration of the Personnel Committee.
The Stewardship Committee plans the fall stewardship campaign and seeks throughout the year to foster stewardship on all levels: time, talent and treasure.
The Nominating Committee recommends church members to serve on the various church committees and may, as needed, assume responsibility for other membership-related projects, such as preparation of a church directory.
The Personnel Committee advises the Church Board on all matters concerning the minister(s) and all other paid staff.