Sunday Morning Church School
First Church school classrooms are always buzzing with excitement! Students meet weekly to learn about and interact with Bible stories, led by our church school teachers. Students are grouped by age and grade level. All classes are taught by church members, using the SPARK Curriculum. In the Fall, our children focus on the Old Testament and in the Spring, the focus is on the New Testament stories. Each week, teachers work to engage students, create interactive lessons, and bring the Bible stories to life! If you wonder if our church is a good fit for your family, we welcome visitors to join a classroom and try it out!
Church school is held most Sundays between mid-September and mid-May. Children begin the morning in the sanctuary with their families for the first part of the service; after the Conversation with Children Message led by the minister or Director of Christian Education, teachers and children go to classrooms through the end of the service.
We are so grateful for our wonderful volunteers in our church family, especially our teachers who give of their time to care for the next generation of First Church! All classroom teachers are church members and volunteers. Every teacher attends training in Safe Church policies and use SPARK curriculum and training videos to ensure all students have a safe, fun, and educational experience. For more information about our curriculum:
Registration is ongoing and children are always welcome to join a classroom mid-year. Our registration form is provided online and can be brought to church, dropped off at our church office, or mailed.